Category Archives: ROW 80 2012

80 days of goals


I really haven’t spent as much time on these as I wanted to. The 2nd came up faster than I was prepared, my personal life is stillĀ  whirl wind which means the next 80 days of goals are going to be sparse. There’s much doing around here. We’re headed to Disney for a week next Sunday and 2 weeks after we return making an interstate move 300 miles away. There are doctors to move, reschedule and research. Temporary housing to occupy. Bags and boxes to pack. Bags and boxes to unpack. Which make my *writing* goals difficult to maintain and frankly, I can’t handle the stress of over taxing myself right now. So, 80 days of goals is going to be more like a glorified to do list for mostly blog related stuff.

Without further ado here are my 2012 Round 1 goals

– Read three Autism related books and review them on my son’s blog

– currently reading: Developing Talents by Dr. Temple Grandin, Be Different by John Elder Robison, need to pick #3

– Finish reading The Unschooling Handbook

-Finish reading Wheat Belly and review that and Make it Paleo recipes on my Paleo blog

-Write a product review for One Small Piece blog for Joovy and Disney

-Finish my last 2 assignments in my last semster college class and take the final

-Lift heavy things at least three times a week

– Find a gym after we move and sign up for the 12 week challenge and blog about it.

– Read Red by Kait Nolan and review it here, read the first of Lauralynn Elliot’s work and blog it here.

-now that I actually own Scrivener, transfer ALL Faylinn’s Chronicles to Scrivener from the blog and outline, write 2 more entries.

– And since I actually own Scrivener, Reread my NaNo novel because I think it has potential and see if it can go anywhere or if it even is any good.


so there you have it. Some small goals, some big, mostly reading and a side of writing. Here’s to not losing my mind.


Just because